2012年3月27日 星期二

美國10大網站出爐 2012

美國 10 大網站排行出爐!這 10 大網站幾乎都是不同的性質的網站,各有不同的商業模式,分析發現這 10 大網站沒有任何單一模式可以讓任一網站在流量上面完全稱霸網路,顯示美國人使用習慣上的網路多樣性。

這 10 大網站清單中,包涵了搜尋引擎、入口網站、影音網站、軟體公司、社群網站、百科全書網站,以及電子商務網站,這當中唯一不營利的網站是維基百科 (Wikipedia),相較之下 Google 則是獲利數百億美元以上。雖然營收不等於網站的大小,但是網站的規模或多或少可以判斷網站的營收多寡。


另一原因則是由於 Facebook 將上市的消息又炒熱了網站熱潮,各大型網站資產又成為鎂光燈焦點。Facebook 約有 10 億用戶,這些用戶每個月都花費數百小時在 Facebook 上,而現在 Facebook 即將 IPO 市值評估上看 1000 億美元,這個市值可謂相當驚人,因為 2011 年 Facebook 的營收總額才約 40 億美元。這些大網站的市值差異非常大,也引發電子商務網站用戶與搜尋引擎、社交網站用戶價值孰高孰低的爭議。


這份排行榜是利用線上流量網站 Quantcast 的數據做出排名,依據的數據是美國用戶每月造訪網站流量的次數,營收數據則是利用美國 SEC 資料以及其他第三方分析數據。

美國 10 大網站:
每月用戶流量:6198.1128 萬
2011 年營收:699 億美元
微軟的流量並不包括 MSN 入口網站、MSNBC 新聞網站和 Bing 引擎搜尋的使用量。微軟的網站最主要是用來銷售、下載、支援他們發行的 Windows 系列商品。

每月用戶流量:6393.3088 萬
2011 年營收:1000 萬美元
網站架設平台 WordPress,共有兩個網址,一為 WordPress.org 專讓部落格使用者下載基礎開放程式碼軟體,去創造編輯他們自己的網站,不過在此統計中 WordPress.org 的流量不列入WordPress.com 中。WordPress.com則是讓小型部落格到大公司網頁都能使用他們的資源觀禮、設計他們自己的網站。

每月用戶流量:7735.4504 萬
2011 年營收:2000 萬美元
維基百科由非營利的 Wikimedia 基金會所經營,是一個開放資源性質的百科網站,免費提供網路使用,裡面條目眾多,光是英語版本就有 390 萬條目,德語也有 140 萬條,不過由於預算較低,管理品質較參差不齊,難免出現前後矛盾的條目。


每月用戶流量:7809.5128 萬
2011 年營收:25 億美元
MSN 是美國三大入口網站之一,其業務收入主要來自廣告和搜尋,這個入口網站提供了使用者各式各樣雜誌、報紙、電視新聞上的消息,新聞是最多用戶點閱的,體育、娛樂則次之。

第六名: Twitter
每月用戶流量:9079.0080 萬
2011 年營收:1.4 億美元
Twitter 被視為微網誌和社群網站的綜合體,其註冊用戶量估計已經超過 3 億,用戶可在面發表感想,也可與人交流回應。不過其面臨的問題就是未能將每天多達 2 億條的 「Tweets」徹底轉為商機,因為其能留言字數太少,不利廣告商行銷,不過擁有百萬跟隨者名人用戶卻能有效利用 Twitter 宣傳自己,比起傳統的廣告模式,這樣的方式更適合 Twitter。

第五名:雅虎 (Yahoo!)
每月用戶流量:9484.0280 萬
2011 年營收:50 億美元
過去幾年來 Yahoo 一直處於爭議中,他在 2008 年拒絕了微軟的收購,這幾年來 CEO 又不斷地換,並且進行了大規模裁員。不過其實它的網站流量並沒有什麼改變,雖然收入沒有什麼成長,但是母公司依然是獲利的,其主要收入來自展示和搜尋廣告,但其搜尋引擎遠遠落後 Google。

第四名:亞馬遜 (Amazon.com)
每月用戶流量:9937.4352 萬
2011 年營收:480 億美元
Amazon 是全球最大的電子商務網站,是規模超大的線上購物網站,幾乎什麼都賣,就像網路世界的大賣場。經營多年後,Amazon 也開始利用其廣大的客戶基礎,發展如電子書相關業務,以及隨選節目、影片業務。

第三名:臉書 (Facebook)
每月用戶流量:1 億 4948.8208 萬
2011 年營收:37 億美元
Facebook 擁有近 10 億的用戶量,是全球最大的社群網站,計畫今年將上市,目標集資 1000 億美元。Facebook 崛起的關鍵在於它改變了人們使用網路的習慣,在 Facebook 出現前,一般人使用網路多半為被動性,利用網路搜尋、觀看影片等,但是 Facebook 出現讓人們也可以輕意在網路上就發表意見,也回應意見,成為雙向的溝通管道,讓人們自願提供大量訊息和朋友、親人、生意夥伴互動。在這樣的過程中,Facebook 成為人們溝通方式革命性改變的核心,不過儘管如此,與 Amazon 和 Google 相比,Facebook 至今尚未找出能向其廣大用戶賺錢的方式。

每月用戶流量:1 億 5997.5920 萬
2011 年營收:16 億美元
YouTube 是最大的線上影音網站,在影音市場領域方面稱霸美國,今年一月美國每人平均花費 448 分鐘在 Youtube 上觀看影片。

第一名:谷歌 (Google)
每月用戶流量:1 億 8516.7472 萬
2011 年營收:375 億美元
Google 毋庸置疑的是搜尋引擎霸主,不僅是在美國,在歐洲也是,不過在新興市場如中國、印度、俄羅斯則遭遇比較大的挑戰。Google 未來能否繼續穩住王座的兩大挑戰則是,一是否能夠在平板電腦、手機等移動式設備上也成為主要的搜尋引擎,其二,Google 是否能擴大發展搜尋業務以外的其他產品,如應用程式、電子錢包等。

2012年3月21日 星期三


喜歡旅行的人們,一定都有聽說"寂寞星球Lonely Planet",這個知名的出版社,他們總是會在全球各地自助旅遊並提出推薦,包括:國家.城市.私家景點.飯店...等等,而他們的網站也是我常常駐足的地方,看看又有那些新景點及美麗的國家或城市

先前,我有看到一篇文章,是2012新年度的推薦,標題是 "Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel: top 10 countries for 2012",或許已經有一些朋友看過了,因為我們臺灣有入選,名列第九名,我想說,既然有臺灣,那就再一次分享給好朋友,因為當您在臺灣旅行時,應該可以感到幸福,因為我們可是全球TOP 10的旅遊聖地,也看看自己去了那些國家了,這是有出實體介紹專書的

原文: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/europe/travel-tips-and-articles/76856#

Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel: top 10 countries for 2012

Which countries will come into their own as travel destinations in 2012? We’ve collated hundreds of ideas from everyone at Lonely Planet, including our extended family of travellers, bloggers and tweeters to work out the very best. This list of the top 10 countries for 2012 – in ranked order – was voted for by a panel of inhouse travel experts, based on topicality, excitement, value and that special X-factor.

1. Uganda 烏干達
It’s taken nasty dictatorships and a brutal civil war to keep Uganda off the tourist radar, but stability is returning and it won’t be long before visitors come flocking back. After all, this is the source of the river Nile – that mythical place explorers sought since Roman times. It’s also where savannah meets the vast lakes of East Africa, and where snow-capped mountains bear down on sprawling jungles. Not so long ago, the tyrannical dictator and ‘Last King of Scotland’ Idi Amin helped hunt Uganda’s big game to the brink of extinction, but today the wildlife is returning with a vengeance. This year Uganda also celebrates the 50th anniversary of its independence; Kampala, one of Africa’s safest capital cities, is bound to see off the event with a bang. Still, Uganda still isn’t without its problems. Human rights abuses aren’t uncommon, and the country breathes a collective sigh whenever President Museveni thinks of another ruse to stay in power for a few more years. But now, as ever, explorers in search of the source of the Nile won’t leave disappointed.

Travel alert: Lonely Planet refers would-be travellers to Uganda to the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office travel advice on the country:

“There is very little social tolerance of homosexuality, which is illegal. There have been moves, initiated by a Ugandan MP, to introduce reactionary legislation that would further criminalise homosexuality and introduce the death penalty for some activity… you should be aware that homosexuality is generally seen as taboo and exists on the margins of society.”

Travel to areas of northeastern Uganda is not recommended – seek specific advice if you are seeking to travel to Kidepo Valley National Park.

Uganda kob (Kobus kob thomasi), Ishasha sector in Queen Elizabeth National Park. 

2. Myanmar (Burma) 緬甸
‘We want people to come to Burma.’ That’s the words of the National League for Democracy (NLD), the opposition party that has urged foreigners to stay away since 1996. This changed in late 2010, when the NLD revised its boycott to encourage independent travel (as opposed to package tours) following the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, who had spent 15 of the past 20 years under house arrest. As a result, Myanmar is set to be a hot new destination for independent travellers. Rimmed by mountains and white-sand beaches, the kite-shaped country’s most accessible area is the centre, which is filled with timeless towns and countless pagodas, especially the 4000 examples found on Bagan’s 26-sq-km riverside plain. Beyond the attractions, there’s the fervently Buddhist locals, who might just be the world’s sweetest people. If you do go, be aware that the revised boycott doesn’t mean troubles are over.

Shwedagon Paya, the most sacred Buddhist site in Myanmar. Its dome rises 98 metres above its base. 

3. Ukraine 烏克蘭
When we don’t know much about a country, we just fill in the gaps with clichés – and Ukraine, the great unknown of Europe, has had plenty hurled at it. Wide-scale counter-espionage? No, not even in Odessa. Communist grime everywhere you look? One glimpse of glorious Old Town Kiev or the wildlife on unspoilt Crimean shores will set you straight. Cheap beer? You bet: it’s cheaper than water. Football? Funny you should mention that…It’s through the power of soccer that Ukraine is poised to showcase its charms to unprecedented numbers of visitors. It will co-host Euro 2012 (the European footballchampionships) and the four match venues have been cunningly selected to encourage further travel by visiting football fans. So Lviv becomes the jumping-off point for Carpathian exploration, while Kiev, which stages the final, will become base for forays to the Black Sea coast and, yep, the grim tourist attraction that is Chernobyl.

St Mykhaylivska Zolotoverkhyi Monastery (St Michael's Monastery of Golden Cupolas). 

4. Jordan 約旦
The word is getting out that Jordan is not just about Petra and Indiana Jones. Yes, the ancient ‘Red Rose city’ is still the jewel in Jordan’s crown, but sights such as Wadi Rum, Jerash and Madaba are adding weight to the country’s tourism boom. One of the most open, friendly and welcoming nations in the Middle East, Jordan is an example to other states in the region of how to modernise while preserving cherished ancient traditions. This year marks the 64th birthday of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, a relative baby on the global scene. Though poverty is still rife, Jordan’s economy is on the up, and its history and tourist infrastructure make it one of the most accessible Arab states for English-speaking travellers.

Jordan Valley at Nabi Yoshi. 

5. Denmark 丹麥
Every year, Denmark tops a ‘quality of life’ list and is revealed as the coolest/happiest/best-looking place on earth, because not only is the living easy in this small, perfectly formed country, but it’s also easy on the eye. Viking raids aside, the Danes have long tried to make the world a better place (think generous foreign aid programs and the pursuit of green technology) and they make sure that they lead by example: their homes are stylish recycling-savvy havens of hygge (a sense of contented cosiness) and their public spaces are enjoyed by all. And all you have to do is hop on your bike – literally. Countrywide, you’ll find around 10,000km of bicycle routes and some four million bikes to share them with, plus you’re rarely more than a short pedal from the bracing seaside, the picturesque countryside or an architectural delight, making Denmark the perfect place to put pedal power into practice.

The elephant gate of the Carlsburg Brewery. 

6. Bhutan 不丹
Beautiful Buddhist Bhutan has always coyly shielded its charms from the wider world, but new areas of this remarkable mountainous land are finally opening for business. Of course, you’ve been able to visit for years, but most tours hit the same highlights: a part-awesome, part-terrifying flight into peak-protected Paro, a jaunt around western Bhutan’s cultural sights, then perhaps a trek through pristine mountains (Bhutan’s conservation credentials are exemplary). There’s no independent travel here; itineraries are sanctioned by the Tourism Council and guides are compulsory. But now, at last, it’s possible to visit other parts of this famously reclusive country. Royal Manas National Park, prowled by some of the planet’s last remaining tigers, has reopened. And the far east, where most locals have seen more yetis than tourists, is accessible and is getting better infrastructure. The only downside? It’s not for those on a budget at US$200 a day (though admittedly this covers many on-the-ground costs).

Boy on his way to school walking in the streets of Mongar, as the morning sun tries to chase away the morning mist.

7. Cuba 古巴
For years people have been saying it, and for years (53 and counting) the Castro brothers have staved off the inevitable – that Cuba has to change. Its socialist credentials are gradually crumbling in the face of international capitalism, as evidenced by dramatic public sector cuts and the relaxation of restrictions on private enterprise. This is good news for Cubans, but bad news for fans of peeling Plymouths, crumbling colonial charm, impromptu salsa sessions in half-collapsed yet elegant houses, all-day coffee-and-rum breaks, and horse-drawn carts in the fastlane of highways. The beaches will still be pristine 10 years from now, and the world’s best mojitos will still flow. But the country mightn’t be quite so, well, distinctive. Or fun. Go while the clock is still stopped at 1959.

1950's American cars can typically be seen on the streets of Cuba 

8. New Caledonia   太平洋法屬新克里多尼亞島
How strange it feels. You’re greeted with a bonjour when you step off the plane, then you breakfast on croissants and baguettes at a pavement cafe in Nouméa – yet you’re in the heart of the South Pacific. At first glance, New Caledonia resembles nothing less than a chunk of France teleported directly into the tropics. Nouméa could be easily mistaken for city in the French Riviera. But beyond the très French panache of the capital and the west coast of the main island, Grande Terre, the indigenous Melanesian culture quickly comes to the fore. The rebirth of Kanak traditions has been gaining momentum for the past 30 years, and today is at an all-time high. Head to the Loyalty Islands or Ile des Pins and you’ll enter another world. For the enquiring visitor, it’s a fascinating opportunity to experience New Caledonia from a different perspective. Amazingly, despite its fabulous islandscapes and unique mélange of Gallic and Melanesian cultures, New Caledonia rarely makes it onto people’s travel shortlists.

Exterior of traditional New Caledonian hut. 

9. Taiwan 臺灣
Taiwan has always had a jaw-dropping landscape – oversized sea cliffs and denselyforested mountains barely start to describe its majesty. And then there’s the museums,which are simply bursting with treasures (including the best of imperial China, spirited across the strait after WWII), plus a thriving folk culture that includes some wild displays of Taoist and Buddhist worship. In terms of cuisine, Taiwan is a fusion and slow-food showcase. So why is 2012 the time to visit? Because Taiwan is best seen on two wheels and in recent years the authorities have embraced the biking market with surprising enthusiasm, vision and (most importantly) funding. This year sees the linking of thousands of kilometres of paths, including two round-the-island routes, and a host of other cycling friendly infrastructure projects.

Grey Crowned Crane (Balearica regulorum) in Taipei zoological gardens.

10. Switzerland 瑞士
Whether it’s economic growth, political stability or sustainable snow, little-miss perfect Switzerland always finishes at the top of the European class. With its model railways, chocolate-box towns and outrageously beautiful mountains, the country should be the envy of all. But, critics say, doesn’t perfect actually mean dull? Isn’t Switzerland all holey cheese, skis and lights out by 10pm? Well, not quite. Stand in the wave-shaped shadow of Renzo Piano’s Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern, party in Züri-West’s industrial-chic clubs and experience a heart-stopping moment while glacier bungee jumping in Interlaken, and you’ll discover a Switzerland with art, attitude and an insatiable appetite for adventure. This year Switzerland’s gloriously accessible Alps will become even easier to reach, thanks to the launch of 19 new TGVs from Paris, and the construction of the groundbreaking Gotthard rail tunnel getting underway.

Lit-up ferris wheel in front of Fraumunster church during Zurifest. 


最近看到這個新聞,讓我興起去找原文出處,發現又是"牛頭不對馬嘴", 這篇出現在CNNGO的旅遊文章的標題是"Cycling routes that'll take your breath away",內文才有提到最美的自行車道,而臺灣日月潭入選了,或許是新聞吸睛考量,但也無可厚非,能被國外的知名傳媒集團看到臺灣的美,我想對臺灣是一個肯定跟最佳的鼓勵了

很幸運的,我在2011的1月也曾經跟一群同學騎過日月潭,這真是一個令人感到舒服的好地方,不管用何種方式在此地旅行 [參閱: 日月潭環湖公路]



Some of the best cycling routes in the world pass through its most beautiful scenery.

Here are 10 of world's best bike routes for cyclists who either are up for breaking a good sweat or simply seeing the world without leaving an ugly carbon footprint behind. 

1. The Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia 澳洲維多利亞省 大洋公路

windy bike route
The Great Ocean Road is one of the best coastal biking routes.

If you like a challenge, take on this 243-kilometer windy road along Australia's south-eastern coast. If a day is all you’ve got, take the 60-kilometer route from Torquay to Bells Beach.

There you’ll cycle through a rural farmland, enjoy the sweeping ocean views from cliff tops, and snake past the wetlands around Lake Connewarre.

The remaining ride is relatively easy and flat through the long Bells Beach, the surfing capital of Victoria.

How to get there: V/Line trains run all day from Melbourne to Geelong. From Geelong you can take a McHarry's bus to Torquay.

2. Udaipur City tour, Rajasthan, India 印度拉賈斯坦省 烏代浦市

Palaces and temples make Udaipur City truly majestic.

Biking is arguably the best way to explore Udaipur, Venice of the East.

Cyclists often need to pedal past herdsmen and their goats and camels, sharing narrow, old pavements in this rustic but romantic city.

But surrounded by ancient forts, temples and majestic palaces, Udaipur conjures one of the best biking experiences, allowing cyclists to truly discover rural India.

How to get there: Udaipur is directly linked by rail with major cities including Delhi, Himatnagar, Jaipur, Ajmer, Kota and Chittaurgarh.

3. The Karakoram Highway, China-Pakistan 中國-巴基斯坦 喀喇崑崙公路

Glaciers reaching the road on the Karakoram Highway.

The Karakoram Highway is the highest international road in the world, reaching an altitude of 4,700 meters at the Khunjerab Pass.

Starting in Kashgar, China, cyclists can travel up to 1,200 kilometers on mostly unpaved roads, but the views are as breathtaking as the riding.

The snow-capped Karakoram Mountains will always be within sight, towering over the Hunza Valley.

You will also come across some small villages and towns near the Cathedral Ridge, with glaciers reaching the road.

How to get there: Catch a Chinese domestic flight to Urumqi, then travel to Kashgar either by train or bus.

4. Route of the Hiawatha, Idaho-Montana, United States 美國愛達荷州-蒙大拿州 海亞瓦沙華沙自行車道 

hiawatha biking
Route of the Hiawatha promises hours of leisure cruising perfect for family trips.

Take your family out to Montana this summer and cycle along the most scenic disused railroad in the country.

The railroad turned bike trail turns into 24 kilometers of leisure biking that takes you over seven trestles and through 10 tunnels, with the longest one, the Taft Tunnel, stretching for 2.7 kilometers.

High up in the spectacular Bitterroot Mountains and hidden in a sea of evergreen, this trail can be hard to find, but is worth seeking out.

How to get there: A shuttle bus picks up bikers four times a day between Roland and Pearson. Alternatively, if you’re driving from the East end of Avery, Idaho head North on Forest Service Road #456 for 14 kilometers to the Pearson Trail head.

5. Around the Sun Moon Lake, Taichung, Taiwan 臺灣台中 日月潭環湖公路

Ride around Taiwan's largest lake for its idyllic views.

Located in the heart of Taiwan, the Sun Moon Lake has long been charming curious foreigners and local visitors alike. Its calm, turquoise water has also inspired many ancient Chinese poets and painters.

The route around the largest lake in Taiwan is a three-hour ride, where visitors can enjoy lake scenery, experience Thao aboriginal culture and learn about the local ecology in the Nantou County.

If you arrive in early spring, you can even catch the cherry blossoms near this mirror-like lake.

How to get there: The Ren Yeou Bus runs daily from the Taichung station to Sun Moon Lake; Kwo Kuang Bus goes directly from Taipei.

6. Route des Grand Crus, Burgundy, France 法國勃根地 頂級葡萄酒之路

Route des Grand Crus
Cycling is the best way to tour the Route des Grand Crus.

With rolling hills, wooded paths, and expansive vineyards, the “Road of the Great Wines” offers close to 800 kilometers of leisure biking, and it promises bikers the best way to explore Burgundy’s finest vineyards and wineries.

But don't get carried away with the temptation of food and booze.

While cheese and wine tasting opportunities are many along the way in Mersault and Aloxe Corton, a small town with a population of less than 200, bikers will also enjoy a cultural tour in Beaune, a welcoming medieval town that was once the wine trade center in the 18th century.

How to get there: Burgundy’s railway station is located in Dijon downtown. Multiple high-speed trains connects daily from Paris, Lyon, Lille and Marseille.

7. Molesworth Road, Christchurch, New Zealand 紐西蘭基督城 墨爾斯沃斯公路

Be ready for some strenuous workout on the Molesworth Road.

This 320-kilometer ride is not for the faint-hearted; it can get challenging.

There might even be some bike-pushing involved, but you will feel accomplished afterwards. Refreshing downhill runs overlooking the country’s largest working farm should be enough to cancel out the strenuous climbs.

Open to the public between December 28 and April 1, this isolated bike route takes roughly five days to complete. So, make sure you bring enough food supplies for the entire trip and swimming gear for the famous hot springs in Hanmer.

How to get there: From Blenheim, head south on State Highway One, then turn right at the Awatere Valley intersection just north of Seddon and the Awatere Valley Bridge.

8. P'tit Train du Nord Linear Park, Quebec, Canada 加拿大魁北克 北方小火車直線公園

Mont Tremblant.

This linear park stretches for 200 kilometers in total and runs northwest from St. Jerome to Mon-Laurier. It has a combination of paved road (former railway) and grave dust.

Where it is paved, roads are wide and well groomed, but even the rougher surface and slopes are good for all age groups.

The trail goes through the center of many European-style villages and cyclists will come across the famous Mont-Tremblant, a magnificent all-season resort.

If you look to the northern part of the trail, you may even spot different wildlife animals milling around.

How to get there: The Galland Bus is bike-friendly and runs its service between Montreal and Mont-Laurier.

9. Great Divide Mountain Bike Route, Canada-United States 美國─加拿大 大分水嶺自行車路線

cross-country bike
The "Holy Grail” of the mountain bike world.

Known as the longest off-pavement bike route in the world, the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route is also probably the most challenging bike trail in the world. Many also consider it the Holy Grail”of the mountain bike world.

Extending from Banff to the Mexican border, the complete route is 4,418 kilometers long with altitude topping at 3,600 meters.

The toughest and steepest sections in Montana could prove challenging even for the most experienced, but the ride is the best endurance test you could ever hope for.

How to get there: Take a van shuttle from Calgary (the closest international airport) up to Banff for about $50.

10. Cycle Route 10, Amsterdam, Holland 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹 10號自行車道

amsterdam bike tour
Finally, something healthy you can do in Amsterdam.

Touted as the most bike-friendly capital in the world, Amsterdam is home to a bike-obsessed population.

This four-hour route covers 42 kilometers of the city’s rural and urban areas. Many buildings are the result of the 19th century urban expansion plan, some even older.

Pedalers will cruise past a ring canal, a river-dike, windmills, Albert Cuyp straat, the famous street market in Holland, and a now-defunct Heineken brewery. Roads are generally narrow but enjoyable with light traffic.

How to get there: Follow the Cycle Route 10 on ANWB/VVVTopografische Fietskaart Amsterdam / Noord-Holland Noord map: it starts in front of the former Heineken brewery at Stadhouders kade 78, and finishes at the Town Hall and Opera compl.ex

2012年3月15日 星期四

臺灣十大觀光小城 2012

參考資料: http://www.tbroc.gov.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0017554






  1. 「大甲區媽祖文化」(臺中大甲)
  2. 「大溪總統鎮」(桃園大溪)
  3. 「臺北市北投風華小鎮」(臺北北投)
  4. 「安平-台灣之名源自安平」(臺南安平)
  5. 「金城鎮後浦古樸小鎮」(金門金城)
  6. 「美濃區-美濃美意情濃」(高雄美濃)
  7. 「鹿港鎮工藝、美食、古蹟」(彰化鹿港)
  8. 「集集鎮-火車印象‧踩風集集」(南投集集)
  9. 「瑞芳區水金九地區礦山祕境」(新北瑞芳)
  10. 「礁溪溫泉養生樂活小城」(宜蘭礁溪) 

最具地方特色小城」 「三義木雕藝術城」(苗栗三義)


  1. 馬祖北竿戰地之鄉(連江北竿)
  2. 生態保育琉球鄉(屏東琉球)
  3. 澎湖縣馬公民俗小鎮(澎湖馬公)
  4. 熱氣球的故鄉-鹿野(臺東鹿野)

2012年3月6日 星期二

台灣v.s南韓 - 危機意識的開始

項目                        中華民國(台灣)   大韓民國         

首都                        台北         首爾
民族組成                      多元族群       單一民族
人類發展指數(世界排名)              0。882(22)  0。897(15)
人口/萬-2011(世界排名)           2323(50)   4887(25)
面積/平方公里(世界排名)             36194(137) 99646(109)

國際匯率GDP總量/億美元-2011(世界排名)  5049(24)   11630(15)
購買力平價GDP總量/億美元-2011(世界排名) 886(19)    1556(12)
國際匯率平均GDP/美元-2011(世界排名)   21592(37)  23749(31)

購買力平價平均GDP/美元-2011(世界排名)  37931(18)  31753(25)

進口額/億美元-2010(世界排名)        2514(16)   4224(9)
出口額/億美元-2011(世界排名)        3251(16)   5588(7)

國際收支/億美元-2010(世界排名)       390(10)    363(12)
外匯儲備/億美元-2011(世界排名)       3995(4)    2902(6)
黃金儲備/噸-2010(世界排名)         423(13)    39(58)

世界500強公司數-2011(世界排名)      8(13)      14(8)    
國際旅客數/萬-2010(亞太排名)        556(11)    880(7)

金融中心                      台北         首爾
世界金融中心指數-2011(世界排名)       639(19)    651(16)
世界股市規模排名-2011(亞太排名)       14(5)      13(4) 

主權信用評級-2011               AA-        A

總體表現最優大學                  台灣大學       首爾大學
QS世界大學/前兩百數-2010(最優排名)    2(94)      3(50)   

QS亞洲大學/前兩百數-2010(最優排名)    17(21)     41(6)

第一大城                      台北         首爾
第一大都會區人口/萬-2011(世界排名)     832(33)    2252(3)
第一大城GDP/億美元-2010(世界排名)    1115(29)   2700(11)

第一大空港-2011                桃園國際機場     仁川國際機場
第一大空港國際旅客數/萬-2011(世界排名)   1918(20)   2883(8)
第一大空港貨運量/萬噸-2010(世界排名)    176(14)    268(4)

第一大海港-2010                高雄港        釜山港
第一大海港運量/萬TEU-2010(世界排名)   918(12)    1419(5)  

第一大公司-2011                鴻海精密       三星科技
第一大公司市值/億美元-2011          370(60)    1500(22)

第一大品牌-2011                htc        Samsung
第一大品牌市值/億美元-2011(世界排名)    36(98)     234(17) 


大韓民國$ 1,556,102,000,000$ 1,163,847,000,000$ 31,753$ 23,749$ 558,800,000,000$ 525,200,000,000
中華民國$ 886,489,000,000$ 504,612,000,000$ 37,931$ 21,591$ 325,100,000,000$ 298,600,000,000
香港特別行政區$ 354,272,000,000$ 246,941,000,000$ 49,342$ 34,393$ 451,600,000,000$ 493,200,000,000
新加坡共和國$ 314,963,000,000$ 266,498,000,000$ 59,936$ 50,714$ 432,100,000,000$ 386,700,000,000



  1. 為了企業競爭力,不惜一切代價整併所有企業(現在的三星與LG)。
  2. 為了保護汽車產業,政府與全民力挺國產車(現代汽車)。
  3. 為了稱霸線上遊戲,韓國特別成立職業遊戲設計學院。
  4. 為了影視圈發展,政府特別輔導協助行銷全世界甚至在美國買榜。
  5. 為了國家面子,運動可以使用任何手段奪牌(足球、棒球、跆拳道),例:1997金融風暴,全國人民捐錢救國家。
